Ashley Warner for October 24

I want to start off by saying that I really enjoyed the production of our mini-zines. Everyone worked really hard to make sure everything got done fast and correctly. It was good to see that everyone looked out for each others work as if it was theirs, making sure it was put together with as little mistakes as possible. Although there were errors, everyone’s work looked great in the end.

As I went though all the mini-zines, some stood out more to me after actually reading them. I like the poem in the gemstone book and the fact that there was a credit to the author in the back. The imagery in “New Yorker’s on the Subway” was funny and its easy to relate to because we have seen people do weird things on trains. The illustrations in “The space adventure” book was well done and the black and white works perfect for it.

Surprisingly there wasn’t any recurring motifs in the zines, everyone had there own style. It’s always good to see how someone else chose to do their project and get ideas for another time. What I would do differently if I had to do this project again is to make sure I put even larger margins so that none of my text or imagery gets cut off. I thought I had enough but if there’s a next time I think I could get it to be perfect. Another thing I would do differently is do way more test runs to make sure everything’s in the right place. That was one thing I messed up on but other than that I was satisfied and enjoyed working on this project.



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