Justin Henry for October 24th

This is assignment was very fun to be apart of in general. I really enjoyed almost all the zines that my classmates created. Each was unique and diverse. The production that went into creating each zine was great. The class was like an assembly line with each group of people having that task of folding, trimming, stapling, etc. Everyone did their best to make each zine with out errors even though some did.

I think the one that worked the best was “The Space Adventure” zine. It had great illustrations and you cant go wrong with a zine like this when your main colors are black and white. The other one I liked was “The Major Key” zine. This zine used in type in the most creative way out all the zines that were created. The type in this specific one had a lot of movement which is always good. I also liked the idea of some of the images being placed in some of the letters.

Has i mentioned before each was diverse. None of zines looked a like that all had there own personality. Everyones project I believe could of been approached in a different way I suppose but each of them felt right for their specific topic. The zines honestly reminded me of the book fair we had to go to sometime ago. The book fair had books of tons of topics and that what I thought of when we got everyones zine.

The main thing I would of done before the actually day we had to bring in our zines would be to print it out before. A test run or just an attempt to produce my zine at home would of been helpful. Some of my zines came out inconsistent. I would of put margins on each of my pages. I believe this would of helped the other students trying to put my zine together.

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